Tuesday, May 10, 2011

to you...by rain(jeong ji hoon)
really love this song....
i heart it...LOL..
i miss to use LOL wif him...
as we both know... LOL stands for lots of love rather than laugh out loud... :((((

it's so hurt....

type his name...
n then add blog at the end..
and tadaaaaa.... i found a blog of someone that he knows n talk about him...

i really hate to say this but i hate it....hahahahahahhaaha..
pissed off...

Monday, May 9, 2011

busou renkin ending song..love da lyrics..

Vocals: Jukai
Lyrics: Watanabe Manami
Composition: Dewa Yoshiaki
Arrangement: Dewa Yoshiaki & Watanabe Zentaro

Hey, I was able to think there’s no night or such that won’t end
Because you are there at anytime

“Please don’t go anywhere.” I strongly wished
But what could I do for you?

If I found one shooting star, then would my wish be fulfilled?
Would it deliver the words that I couldn’t say?

“Thank you.” I want to send this song from my heart to you
Because it’s now, because the feelings that I’ve realized are here

The starlight illuminated your shoulder that I leaned on
Your fingers that I intertwined with, and my awkward feet

Hey, can you hear my voice for you?
Does it reach the depths of your heart?

I found one shooting star, underneath the same sky
I wish I can protect the gesture of your smile to the end, forever…

The dazzling starlight looked down from the clear, blue sky
I can’t say it as well as I think dearly of it

Thursday, May 5, 2011


ok... blog ni dibuat sbb i nk stat wat on9 bisnes....
i pown stkt ni da byk kli bli brg on9 tp bosan lak asek bli kt org...pe kate we plak yg wat sndri....
so supotla eh dgn memeriahkan lg blog ni dgn pndpt...
arigatou ne~